Friday, July 4, 2008

% of guilt-flation...

t'was tuesday.1:05am.
drooling over "open-eyed" dreams.its fun...believe me.
u can axually see and interpret wat u be more precise,they arent dreams but illusions....something u want 2 happen...something u really crave take place.

for example,i was thinking about the 5th glass of beriblast,n 6th shot of chilly-sherry lindt chocolates....ended up in a pool OF BERRYBLAST...where lifeguards were wearing lindt chocolates around their necks,on their heads in the shape of coronets,n here n there on their body to cover "certain parts,they chose to keep private".how AMAZED I WAS!some1 called quits n back i was,staring at my fake "gucci" printed pillow-cover!never knew,that in melas they bother to sell such "branded" n xpensive stuff!moreover does gucci take pride in making them?????

"crunches"!!!!belive me,dey dont make u makes u chumm(pre menstrual spasms),...u know wat,...dats worse!!!!but still,doing them gives u a "certain amount" of pseudo satisfaction n false hopes of shedding tyres of "needless" fats!!!*wait up,lemme catchup on a few o' dem*....

dat was tiring,yet SATISFYING!

what "xactly" does bryan adams mean by saying..."when u CAN see ur unborn children in her eyes,YOU KNOW YOU REALLY LOVE A WOMAN"....
huh????how?i mean....what is he trynna pose the "fairer sex" as?...some "baby-producing"machine?wat if a woman does noy have the capacity to be fertile...A GUY WOULDNT LOVE HER FOR WAT SHE IS????.....the baby's everything?....errr,he woudnt even bother 2 understand,how it feels,to go through the 9 month-pain-period....!am nawtta male-basher...but dis is so,RI-DDDDI-CU-LUSSS!

anyway,as for bryan adams....he sings well.n btw,am going through this -relating-songs-to-me-phase...n i really love to relate songs to my friends n me...especially the coldplay-grinding u-kinda songs!influenced by the "line-tific-dotted"language...i have taken to writing down pieces of names and so on.i have been"crushed"(not by a bull-dozer,somethin much more significant)....for the 1st tym in my life.its silly,but yet u feel mushed!i had loved dear "nutini"boy.....but he turned out to be obsessed wid his "sex-obssessd"g-girlfriend!!!!it pains me in all the "wrong" places to think bout i WONT...!!!HU GIVS A DAMN?

ERRRRRRRR....atleast am nawtt obssessed with "anyone"..or "sex" a good girl,nawt in2 the "infatuating"level....YET!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

wiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrd is 1 word 4 it!!u really have patience,u noe??if u were me,i wud just kip these thoughts in my head,i wudnt bothr 2 write dem down!!neways,how can u remember u dreams in such detail??btw,i'm totally wid you,4 ur views on the bryan adams song!!