Thursday, July 10, 2008

if u puke,think of birthday gifts.
and dont have omlette.and if u hav an exam the next day,dont think of studying,the previous day.and by chance,u end up in the school sanatorium,dont think of attending the chemistry practicals.NEVER!...and act startled with every word spoken to you!
u will decipher the meaning,once you are "green" enough!

A...LeAFeD LiFE.

her inscrutablity,made her antiquity different.
she was the sight of blind,
the altruism of the kind.
she was the ecstasy of a lover,
the smile of a sufferer,
she was the taste of nature,
an antagonist for future.
unprecedented,in her colossal"ity"
and jaded by her own obscurity.
she had been burried alive,
in this foresaken woods.
her eyes were defeated by trusted lies.
she might have been evil,
feasting on blood...
washing herself clean
in a tumultous flood.
branches had her in a poisoned embrace
yet her face bestowed a pained grace.
but her patience
made her wait,this long.
she died a mannequin
singing an "untuned" song.

p.s---its nothing but a rush of adrenaline,influenced by a dream of woodnymph
in school bus....the "untuned song" being the runnings of traffic,and the "pained grace" being the morning blues!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


why is it,that-my diligent-ism is never seen over my indolent-ness?
if by chance u r thinking that again dejection has overcome me,ur makin A MISTAKE.A GRAVE MISTAKE.
my zeal,is on high run,as it is 1am,my "bliss"intended time.
a brief account on what has been keepin me busy---
1."exfoliating" dead sea mud mask>>>it smells good,but looks lyk horse had repeatedly warned the buyers "do NOT experiment this product on animals".but as usual,i dint bother to follow their advice,and look at me now*my only consolation is,u CANT look at me,now* face is puffed,red and framed with purple blemishes here n there(thats exaggeration,but whats life without some extra garnishes?)

2.walnut scrub and hot water>>>>.i had been pointed out by my dear "winking"friend*no particular reason for his eccentric behaviour*that my feet needs immidiate care,as it very much resembels the warty dry skin,of a toad!(he's mean,i know).hence,regarding his "pointed out fact",am tryin my best to smother down the warts and make my feet look "human".

3.chocolate pudding>>>>.its not my damn fault.they said its FAT FREE!

4.ritz>>>>.well,he thinks,1 leech has high chance of being attracted to another leech(of the opposite sex),even if they are married,with kids and they have a "teaching job"!

5.heart of a dragon>>>>.its all about dragonforce's "funky" chants!

speaking of funky,never dare to go to a parlour and let the hairdresser"play with your hair" if you want a "funky" look!dey will DESTROY U.poor "funky monky"suffered a LOT,in skool today!
"funky monkey,sitting on a tree,
funky monkey,on a fucking spree.
she fell on a donkey,...
donkey died,
but she,lied,
saying it wasnt her "bluddy" fault!"

so if u are,adroit NOT bemoan ur condition,
and be ready to face a distorted aversion.*sorry for being "this" heavy*

p.s>i am done with the pedicure,topped it up with glittering purple colourings,and needless to say my feet are lookin more heidious than,EVER!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Mulberry secrets of the blueberry picker...

snowflakes on sand,
lingering dreams,
wall flower's last walk,
hand in hand!

the blueberry picker,
ate more than she could possibly, pick.
her fingers tangled with
the sticky blue spell
made her rapt and
she was about to lick..........

the story has ended.dont ask me to go on.
yet i choose to tell u...

they chased her like coyotes,
she ran n ran n ran,
they ran behind.
she fell,on the rubble
they still ran,
to get the "fallen her".

she cringed,
mulberry blood,oozed from
deep within her....
blood of innocence
blood of despair
blood of anguish
blood of hatred...
she bled,bled
and bled...until there was no more to bleed.

mesmerized by her state,
the wilderness cursed her fate,
even the cusp mocked at her,
shouted at her for being so beautiful.
for surrendering herself
as a human's tool....

their words crawlin on her skin,
she was blamed,blamed for being sacrificed,
blamed for giving way to sin
she had been wasted,cnquered and yet,
....wasted away
there's nothing left of her....
not even the pride of being a mother...

they tore her,relished her
entered her,wasted her,
took away every bit of her,
even her faith!
she was lilith-
the "broken"daughter
of the night and darkness.

their paevan rose her to her senses.
she was yearning to die.
to hide her mulberry secrets.
she had been the prey...
it had coloured her life
in every shades of gray.
torn into pieces
by a joke called-humanity
she had lost belief in integrity.
her ashes gathered in whirling shapes
against the,once..."star-spangled"sky...
leaving behind a mark of their--sacrilege.

she returned,armoured by her lost innocence

----this was written after a prolonged thought
triggered by dream theatre's "through her eyes".

% of guilt-flation...

t'was tuesday.1:05am.
drooling over "open-eyed" dreams.its fun...believe me.
u can axually see and interpret wat u be more precise,they arent dreams but illusions....something u want 2 happen...something u really crave take place.

for example,i was thinking about the 5th glass of beriblast,n 6th shot of chilly-sherry lindt chocolates....ended up in a pool OF BERRYBLAST...where lifeguards were wearing lindt chocolates around their necks,on their heads in the shape of coronets,n here n there on their body to cover "certain parts,they chose to keep private".how AMAZED I WAS!some1 called quits n back i was,staring at my fake "gucci" printed pillow-cover!never knew,that in melas they bother to sell such "branded" n xpensive stuff!moreover does gucci take pride in making them?????

"crunches"!!!!belive me,dey dont make u makes u chumm(pre menstrual spasms),...u know wat,...dats worse!!!!but still,doing them gives u a "certain amount" of pseudo satisfaction n false hopes of shedding tyres of "needless" fats!!!*wait up,lemme catchup on a few o' dem*....

dat was tiring,yet SATISFYING!

what "xactly" does bryan adams mean by saying..."when u CAN see ur unborn children in her eyes,YOU KNOW YOU REALLY LOVE A WOMAN"....
huh????how?i mean....what is he trynna pose the "fairer sex" as?...some "baby-producing"machine?wat if a woman does noy have the capacity to be fertile...A GUY WOULDNT LOVE HER FOR WAT SHE IS????.....the baby's everything?....errr,he woudnt even bother 2 understand,how it feels,to go through the 9 month-pain-period....!am nawtta male-basher...but dis is so,RI-DDDDI-CU-LUSSS!

anyway,as for bryan adams....he sings well.n btw,am going through this -relating-songs-to-me-phase...n i really love to relate songs to my friends n me...especially the coldplay-grinding u-kinda songs!influenced by the "line-tific-dotted"language...i have taken to writing down pieces of names and so on.i have been"crushed"(not by a bull-dozer,somethin much more significant)....for the 1st tym in my life.its silly,but yet u feel mushed!i had loved dear "nutini"boy.....but he turned out to be obsessed wid his "sex-obssessd"g-girlfriend!!!!it pains me in all the "wrong" places to think bout i WONT...!!!HU GIVS A DAMN?

ERRRRRRRR....atleast am nawtt obssessed with "anyone"..or "sex" a good girl,nawt in2 the "infatuating"level....YET!